Doors to Freedom

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Here’s a little collection of things I’m trying to turn into habits. I’m using them to avoid and even reverse some of the unnecessary complications and self-created stresses in my life. I think of them as doors to freedom. They’re not fancy but they’re making a difference to me. Maybe they can make a difference to you too.

  1. Pay attention to what you’re doing while you’re doing it, and to nothing else.
  2. Don’t ever hold anything in your hand that isn’t directly related to what you’re doing this very moment.
  3. Stop whatever you’re doing whenever you talk to someone.
  4. Complete what you start before you start anything else.
  5. Have a place for everything and put things back there as soon as you’ve finished with them.
  6. Don’t ever tell a lie – not even a tiny one.
  7. Never do anything that contradicts your basic sense of what’s good, right and true.
  8. Do what you love. If you can’t do what you love, then cultivate love for what you do.  If you can’t cultivate love for it, then do everything possible to stop doing it.
  9. Minimise your possessions.
  10. Minimise your choices.
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