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Tag Archives: spirit
Today I decided to write out a personal creed, though ‘creed’ feels far too grandiose a term. All I’m really doing here is putting words to a few of the things I do and don’t believe in the area of spirituality. Interestingly, I’m finding it quite a raw but exhilarating experience to come out and say these things. You might like to try it too. Continue reading
Posted in Being Well, Living Well, Meditations
Tagged beauty, belief, Creed, eternal, eternalism, freedom, God, humanism, love, nihilism, philosophical, philosophy, rationalism, rationalist, religion, science, scientific, secular, secularism, self, soul, spirit, spirituality, supernatural, theism, unbelief, wonder, Xenophanes
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Prayer to Self
Come, let us speak tenderly with one another, beloved one.
Sit up close to me where you can hear me breathing.
See, I am vulnerable and undefended too.
Like you, I have no way to protect myself
from the pains and fears of being alive and being me. Continue reading
Posted in Meditations, Poetry
Tagged forgiveness, friends, friendship with self, gentleness, gold, harm, intimacy, light, peace, prayer, self, spirit, story, tenderness, violence
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